A Beginner's Guide to Paranormal Investigation

A Beginner's Guide to Paranormal Investigation - Mark Rosney, Rob Bethell, Jebby Robinson The paranormal is a "hot" subject these days and this is one of the better books available to those who would like to start their own paranormal investigations. However it is much more than a handbook for the would-be investigator but will also appeal to anyone with more than a passing interest in the paranormal.

The Forward states that the authors have over 30 years experience investigating the paranormal with a scientific bias and that certainly comes over in the book. In fact the book is deceptive in its breadth and depth.

Individual chapters proceeded with a 'Brief history' of that chapter's subject which, especially armchair, investigators will find fascinating including probably the best overview of UFOs I have ever read.

For me this is what makes this book stand out from others in the genre - the depth of the authors' knowledge.

The book is packed with real-life incidents and actual photos, alongside with helpful checklists, diagrams and instructions for leading your own investigations.The book looks good and is organised well with high quality and well laid out illustrations and images but please can we have an index in the next edition!

I particularly liked the way the authors have pitched this book and the extra detail and gentle humour that comes over in their writing.

As Messieurs Rosney, Bethell & Robinson would say....'Good Hunting' even if it is only from the comfort of your armchair!