I Have Waited, and You Have Come - Martine McDonagh A bleak prediction of the consequences of rising sea levels, McDonagh's book is set in a nightmare vision of Cheshire in the not-too-distant future: "When we first came here the golf course was a progression of green velvet swirls. Later it became the makeshift burial ground for the first wave of victims."

Rachel lives alone in a semi-fortified mill, where she is subject to the attention of a sinister stalker, who makes use of the fact that there are still – for the time being at least – functioning phonelines to breathe down. The most disturbing dystopias are those which feel closest at hand; and McDonagh indicates how swiftly society reverts to tooth-and-claw primitivism, though the plot follows a fairly predictable course – it seems inevitable that Rachel's unwanted admirer should keep a graphic, masturbatory journal which she finds and reads. Fans of post-apocalyptic parables will be well pleased; and there is something to be said for a deluge that does away with Kerry Katona and all those Wags' palaces round Alderley Edge.

A deeply atmospheric, dystopian or ‘spec fic’ novella that is part environmental disaster story and part psychological thriller.

Rather than looking at the bigger picture of the disaster the author presents a very intimate look at one survivor’s struggle to cope with her environment, the loneliness and an increasingly deteriorating mental state.

Relentlessly grim, full of mud, & never ending rain that reminded me a little of The Road.

A compelling and strongly written debut and I will look forward to reading more from this author.